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What Should Doctor Who Do For Its 50th Anniversary?


What Should Doctor Who Do For Its 50th Anniversary?

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What Should Doctor Who Do For Its 50th Anniversary?


Published on February 8, 2012

What Should Doctor Who Do For Its 50th Anniversary?
What Should Doctor Who Do For Its 50th Anniversary?

The seventh season of Doctor Who is scheduled to begin filming this month for a potential start date in autumn of 2012. Although no statements have been issued by the BBC, BBC America, or the actors and production teams involved with the show, it’s expected that the seventh season will conclude in early 2013.

Which brings the show right up to its 50th anniversary. Moffat recently teased at the anniversary in a program for a recent Doctor Who symphony show:

Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary is coming. In Cardiff, we’re gearing up for the biggest, the best and the most ambitious season we’ve ever made.

With the possibility of an entire season informing the 50th anniversary, Blogtor Who began to wonder: What do we want to see for the anniversary?

The assumption is that the 50th anniversary will most likely bring an ambitious multi-Doctor story, but popular Doctor Who fansite Blogtor Who is currently putting some serious (and seriously silly) thought into the various possibilities with its “50 Things for the 50th” series of articles.

Some of our favorites amongst the suggestions:

1.) A decent video game. Not exactly a 50th anniversary-specific wish, but a decent wish nonetheless. A decent Who video game could span worlds and scenarios that the show can only dream of. The premise of the show eaily allows for humorful and colorfully epic quests. There’s really no reason Doctor Who isn’t a blockbusting video game franchise, although we’ve not yet gotten our hands on Doctor Who: Worlds in Time, which looks very promising.

2.) A special edition of Doctor Who Magazine from November 1963. Doctor Who Magazine, of course, didn’t exist then, but it would be cute to see an edition of it as if it actually had, complete with endless speculation and flailing over a show that was only about 40 minutes old.

3.) Inter-Doctor Episode Commentaries. Tom Baker commenting on The Five Doctors, David Tennant commenting on Fifth Doctor serials, Paul McGann and Christopher Eccleston commenting on, well, anything… It’d be quite interesting to see what results.

4.) River Song Saved From the Library. To quote the article, “…is it beyond belief that The Doctor figures out a way to go back to The Library and ‘save’ River Song from the horror that was an eternity with a bunch of idiot workmates in, what looked like, a Spandau Ballet video?”

5.) Another Russell T. Davies episode. It seems only natural to bring back the man who revived Doctor Who to contribute to the anniversary.

6.) The Eleventh Doctor Popping Through Old Stories. Eleven is quite fond of looping through his own timeline, so it’s not a stretch to imagine him getting inserted into classic adventures. (Especially as there’s no other way for him to meet a good share of the other Doctors.) It would have to be the right story, of course.

7.) A new title sequence. The Matt Smith one is okay, but it just doesn’t have the same oomph that the first one from the new series had.

8.) Doctor Who: The Musical. Another long-standing wish from the fans, although it was more plausible when Tennant was wearing the long pants and John Barrowman was lurking around.

9.) Glimpses of The Eighth Doctor adventuring in the Time War. We’re of the opinion that the Time War should never be totally shown. Russell T. Davies gave us tantalizing hints all throughout his run, and honestly, that’s enough. The screen would never be able to contain the conflict as it looms in our heads. But it would be nice to see bits of it here and there, and it would be nice to see Paul McGann’s Doctor achieve further onscreen legitimacy.


You can see all 50 suggestions at the above link. What would you prefer for a 50th anniversary celebration?


Stubby the Rocket is the mascot of and tends to meet its former incarnations at parties.

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Stubby the Rocket


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